Student Loan Zurich - Chew Gum to Get great Grades!
Evidence has arrived from the University of Northumbria in Newcastle that population who chew gum throughout tests of both long-term and short-term memory got much good scores than population who didn't!
Student Loan Zurich
75 adults were bombarded by 20 min of memory and attention tests. One third of them chewed gum throughout, an additional one third mimicked the chewing activity but with no gum and the final third were the operate group and did no chewing at all.
The gum-chewers scored 24% higher than the operate group on short-term memory tests and 36% higher on long-term memory tests. Spatial working memory was also more accurate.
Chewing gum in class was a definite no no when I was at school as a pupil and also in the schools I taught in over the 20 years I was a teacher. I remember blobs of used chewing gum on the undersides of chairs and desks, left in a hurry by class-mates on the verge of discovery by the teacher!
And there was that awful day I went home with chewing gum embedded in the fabric of my school skirt, having accidentally sat in someone's second-hand gum. Yeuch! You may recall the standard medicine for gum discharge - leave in the deep freeze for an hour and then try to chip itsybitsy bits of the now hard gum off the clothing. A long and tedious job if ever there was one!
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